Wednesday 22 June 2011

Brainstorm- Memories


Unknown said...

Hi jaaannnneee, I like your blog and its presentaion, however I find it slighlty difficult to navigate around it :( ..I think you should link all your lovely work to the mind map making it easier for me to go around.

Mr B said...

Hi Jane,
Thank you so much for supporting our joint professional day on Monday. Teachers mentioned how great it was to have a student supporting their learning. That's the way it should be. Pupils teaching teachers to teach..
I also think your mind map is looking good and agree with Dominique that you need to imbed it into a permanent page at the top of your blog.
Keep it up!

Mr B said...

Oh and make sure you use the same mind map headings that are on the main blog. Also make sure you link all posts to mind map.Plese try and make these changes by the 30th Nov 2011. Good luck.

Mohyuddin said...

Very well done! I like the way you have personalised your blog background and design. The only thing I would say for you to do, is to make it more easier to navigate.

Have fun! keep up the good work :)

Mr B said...

Hi Jane,
could you delete this mind map now that you've created a new one?